中国队夺金 英国蛙王破大防
今天凌晨,巴黎奥运会游泳男子4×100米混合泳接力赛,由徐嘉余 、覃海洋、孙佳俊、潘展乐组成的中国队夺得金牌,打破了美国队40年的金牌垄断。 结果,排名第四、无缘奖牌的英国队游泳运动员亚当·皮蒂(Adam Peaty)破防了,污蔑中国队,称“我最喜欢的一句体育名言是,如果你赢得不公平,那么胜利就毫无意义。” 今天你练听力了吗? 🤔️小作业: 1. What is the author's attitude towards Adam Peaty's statements on doping? A) Critical B) Supportive C) Neutral D) Dismissive 无注释原文: Adam Peaty says he may retire … and hits out at 'cheating' Chinese swimmers From: The Guardian Adam Peaty may have swum his last race. After he and the British relay team of Matt Richards, Duncan Scott, and Ollie Morgan finished fourth in the 4x100m medley the 29-year-old Peaty said he “might have to step away from the sport” because “it hurts too much”. This defeat was particularly painful. If Peaty is done, he had things to say about it before he went. “One of my favourite quotes in sport is that there is no point winning if you're not winning fair,” Peaty said. “I think you know that in your heart. If you touch and you know you're cheating, then you're not really winning. “So for me, if you've been 'contaminated' twice, I think as an honourable person you should be out of the sport.” Peaty put his own air-quotes around “contaminated” as he spoke. “But we know sport isn't that simple.” Peaty is one of several swimmers who feel there has been too much obfuscation in the way World Aquatics and the World Anti-Doping Agency handled the case. “We've got to have faith in the system, but we don't,” Peaty said. “It's just got to be stricter. What I've said from the start is that it is fraud. If you're cheating, it is fraud.” Scott nodded in agreement as Peaty spoke. Peaty said he had no wish to criticise the rest of the Chinese team. “I've also been asked about people who weren't contaminated and I respect that. I don't want to paint a whole nation or a group of people with one brush. I think that would be very unfair.” He said he had refused to speak out before now because he did not want to cause distractions for the team. Great Britain's pool swimming team finished the Olympics with one gold and four silver. Peaty said he believed the relay quartet would use the defeat to the Chinese as motivation for the next Olympics, whether he is part of it or not. “I think we're going to use it to our advantage in the next four years, whether I'm there or not. I know these boys will carry that and we'll see how they do in four years' time. But,” he said, in a clear shot at the sport's governing body, “the people that need to do their job, need to wake up and do it.” Peaty's remarks were echoed by Nic Fink who swam the second leg for the US team. “We have questions about the system and whether Wada is doing everything they can,” Fink said. “We know the ITA [International Testing Agency] is testing everybody all the time. They have been testing a lot here, which is good. But when a bunch of anti-doping agencies say: 'Hey, what was the process here, how did that work?', it raises red flags. So we just want more clarity and transparency. Nothing against the athletes competing. It's questions about the system. Hopefully it gets ironed out because it just seems like there is cycle after cycle of concerns and questions.” It was the first time the USA's men had been beaten in the Olympic 4×100m medley relay final and the Chinese team of Xu Jiayu, Qin, Sun, and Pan Zhanle spoke afterwards about how badly they had wanted to break the US stranglehold on the event. They were led home by Pan, who turned in a blisteringly quick final split of 45.92sec. Peaty, who has only just recovered from Covid, denied that his comments were motivated by being beaten into fourth. “It's not about the podium,” he said. “We did our best job as a team, it may have been bronze, who knows, shoulda woulda coulda, who knows? But I'm glad I was able to come out of my illness this week and give my best and be fair. I don't need anything else to do that, just my heart, that's what sport is. And for me, being a man of faith, we can't take any of this with us, but we can take our pride and we can take the memories we share with our families, knowing we did it true.” - ◆ - 注:完整题目见本文开头;中文文本为机器翻译并非一一对应,仅供参考 含注释全文: Adam Peaty says he may retire … and hits out at 'cheating' Chinese swimmers From: The Guardian Adam Peaty may have swum his last race. After he and the Britishrelayteam of Matt Richards, Duncan Scott, and Ollie Morgan finished fourth in the 4x100mmedleythe 29-year-old Peaty said he “might have to step away from the sport” because “it hurts too much”. 亚当·皮蒂(Adam Peaty)可能已经游完了他的最后一场比赛。在与英国接力队队友马特·理查兹(Matt Richards)、邓肯·斯科特(Duncan Scott)和奥利·摩根(Ollie Morgan)共同获得4x100米混合泳第四名后,29岁的皮蒂说,他“可能不得不退出这项运动”,因为“太痛苦了”。 relay relay /ˌrɪˈleɪ/ 作动词,表示“接转,转送,转发(信息、消息等)”,英文解释为“to receive and send on information, news, etc. to sb”举个🌰:He relayed the message to his boss. 他将这个消息转给了他的老板。 作名词,1)表示“中继设备”,英文解释为“a device that reacts to a small change in an electrical current by moving switches or other devices in an electrical circuit” 2)表示“(跑步或游泳的)接力赛”,英文解释为“a running or swimming race between two or more teams in which each person in the team runs or swims part of the race” 3)表示“接替的一组人;轮换的一队人”,英文解释为“a group of people who continue an activity that others from the same team or organization have been doing previously”举个🌰:Relays of workers kept the machines going through the night. 工人们轮班工作,机器彻夜运转。 medley medley /ˈ 1)表示“混合物,混杂物;(尤指)集成曲”,英文解释为“a mixture of different things, especially tunes put together to form a longer piece of music”如:a medley of popular tunes 流行曲调的集成曲。 2)表示“混合泳;混合泳接力”,英文解释为“a swimming competition in which each of four swimmers in a team uses a different method of swimming” This defeat was particularly painful. 这次失利尤其痛苦。 If Peaty is done, he had things to say about it before he went. 如果皮蒂真的要退役,那么他在走之前有话要说。 “One of my favouritequotesin sport is that there is no point winning if you're not winning fair,” Peaty said. “I think you know that in your heart. If you touch and you know you're cheating, then you're not really winning. “我最喜欢的一句体育名言是,如果你赢得不公平,那么胜利就毫无意义,”皮蒂说。“我想你心里明白这一点。如果你知道自己在作弊,那么你就不是真正的赢家。” quote quote /kwəʊt/ 可以作名词,也可以作动词,表示“引用,引述,援引”,英文解释为“to repeat the words that someone else has said or written”举个🌰:He's always quoting from LearnAndRecord. 他总是引用《LearnAndRecord》上的内容。 📍听听力时有时候会听到「quote... unquote」指的就是“引文起…引文止”,英文解释为“said to show that you are repeating someone else's words, especially if you do not agree”,可以理解为念的是引号内的内容,举个🌰:She says they're quote "just good friends" unquote. 她说她们,引号,“只是好朋友而已”,引号完。 “So for me, if you've been 'contaminated' twice, I think as anhonourableperson you should be out of the sport.” Peaty put his ownair-quotesaround “contaminated” as he spoke. “But we know sport isn't that simple.” “因此,对我来说,如果你被‘污染’了两次,我认为作为一个体面的人,你应该退出这项运动。”皮蒂在说到“污染”一词时用手在空中加了引号。“但我们知道体育运动没那么简单。” contaminate contaminate /kənˈtæm.ɪ.neɪt/ 表示“污染;弄脏;毒害”,英文解释为“to make something less pure or make it poisonous”举个🌰:The food which had been contaminated was destroyed. 受污染的食物已被销毁了。 honourable 英式 honourable /ˈɒn.ər.ə.bəl/ 美式 honorable 表示“品德高尚的,值得尊敬的”,英文解释为“honest and fair, or deserving praise and respect”如:an honourable person 品德高尚的人。 air quotes air quotes /ˈeə ˌkwəʊts/ 表示“说话者用手指在空气中划出的引号(用以表示自己正以不寻常的方式使用某词或某短语,或表示自己在重复他人的话)”,英文解释为“imaginary quotation marks that you make in the air with your fingers, to show that you are using a word or phrase in an unusual way or repeating exactly what someone has said” Peaty is one of several swimmers who feel there has been too muchobfuscationin the way WorldAquaticsand the World Anti-DopingAgency handled the case. 一些游泳运动员认为,世界游泳联合会(World Aquatics)和世界反兴奋剂机构(World Anti-Doping Agency)在处理案件时存在太多含糊不清之处,皮蒂就是其中之一。 obfuscation obfuscation /ˌɒb.fʌsˈkeɪ.ʃən/ 表示“(故意的)混淆”,英文解释为“the act of making something less clear and less easy to understand, especially intentionally, or an instance of this”举个🌰:She criticized the company's deliberate obfuscation of its finances. 她批评该公司故意混淆财务状况。 aquatic aquatic /əˈkwæt.ɪk/ 表示“水栖的;水生的;水上的;水中(进行)的”,英文解释为“living or growing in, happening in, or connected with water”如:aquatic plants 水生植物。 复数形式,aquatics /əˈkwæt.ɪks/ 表示“(奥运会的)水上运动项目”,英文解释为“a group of Olympic sports including swimming, diving, and water polo” doping dope /dəʊp/ 1)作动词,表示“为…提供兴奋剂;使服用兴奋剂”,英文解释为“to give a person or an animal drugs in order to make them perform better or worse in a competition”举个🌰:They were arrested for doping racehorses. 他们因给参赛马匹服用兴奋剂而被捕。 2)作动词,表示“给…提供安眠药;使服用安眠药”,英文解释为“to give a person or an animal a drug to make them want to sleep”举个🌰:We always have to dope up our cat for long car journeys. 开车长途旅行时我们总是给猫吃安眠药。 3)作名词,表示“兴奋剂”,英文解释为“a drug that is taken by a person or given to an animal to affect their performance in a race or sport”举个🌰:The athlete failed a dope test (= a medical test showed that he had taken such drugs). 这个运动员未能通过药检。 4)作名词,表示“麻醉剂,毒品(尤指大麻,在美国尤指海洛因)”,英文解释为“a drug that is taken illegally for pleasure, especially cannabis or, in the US, heroin.” “We've got to have faith in the system, but we don't,” Peaty said. “It's just got to be stricter. What I've said from the start is that it isfraud. If you're cheating, it is fraud.” Scott nodded in agreement as Peaty spoke. “我们必须对这一制度有信心,但我们没有,”皮蒂说。“只是需要更加严格。我从一开始就说过,这是欺诈。如果你作弊,那就是欺诈。”斯科特在皮蒂说话时点头表示同意。 fraud fraud /frɔːd/ 1)表示“欺诈罪;欺骗罪”,英文解释为“the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally” 2)表示“骗子;行骗的人”,英文解释为“a person who pretends to have qualities, abilities, etc. that they do not really have in order to cheat other people” 📍类似的:scam Peaty said he had no wish to criticise the rest of the Chinese team. “I've also been asked about people who weren't contaminated and I respect that. I don't want topaint a whole nation or a group of people withone brush. I think that would be very unfair.” 皮蒂表示,他并不想批评中国队的其他队员。“我也曾被问及,那些没有受到‘污染’的人呢,我尊重他们。我不想一竿子打翻一船人,我认为那是非常不公平的。” paint … with one brush paint (sb or sth) with one brush /paint (sb or sth) with the same brush表示“不加区分地对待或描述某一群体中的所有个体,而不考虑个体差异”,英文解释为“Unfairly judged or categorized as being the same as another person or thing, usually in a negative manner.”举个🌰:It's unfair to paint all teenagers with one brush; not all of them are irresponsible. 把所有青少年一概而论是不公平的,不是所有人都不负责任。 He said he had refused to speak out before now because he did not want to cause distractions for the team. Great Britain's pool swimming team finished the Olympics with one gold and four silver. Peaty said he believed the relayquartetwould use the defeat to the Chinese as motivation for the next Olympics, whether he is part of it or not. 他说,在此之前他一直拒绝发表言论,因为他不想让队员们分心。英国游泳队在本届奥运会上获得了一枚金牌和四枚银牌。皮蒂说,他相信四人接力队会把输给中国队作为下届奥运会的动力,无论他是否继续参加。 quartet quartet /kwɔːˈtet/ 表示“四重奏(曲);四重唱(曲)”,英文解释为“a piece of music written for four people”或者表示“四重奏乐团;四重唱组合”,英文解释为“a group of four people who play musical instruments or sing as a group”举个🌰:A string quartet was playing Mozart. 一个弦乐四重奏乐团正在演奏莫扎特的乐曲。 “I think we're going to use it to our advantage in the next four years, whether I'm there or not. I know these boys will carry that and we'll see how they do in four years' time. But,” he said, in a clear shot at the sport's governing body, “the people that need to do their job, need to wake up and do it.” “我认为,无论我是否参加下一届奥运会,我们都会利用好这次机会。我知道这些小伙子们会记住这一点,我们会看到他们四年后的表现。但是,”他明确地指向了游泳管理机构,“那些需要做好本职工作的人,需要醒悟过来,做好本职工作。” Peaty's remarks wereechoedby Nic Fink who swam the second leg for the US team. “We have questions about the system and whether Wada is doing everything they can,” Fink said. “We know the ITA [International Testing Agency] is testing everybody all the time. They have been testing a lot here, which is good. But whena bunch ofanti-doping agencies say: 'Hey, what was the process here, how did that work?', it raisesred flags. So we just want moreclarityandtransparency. Nothing against the athletes competing. It's questions about the system. Hopefully itgets ironed outbecause it just seems like there is cycle after cycle of concerns and questions.” 美国接力队第二棒选手尼克·芬克(Nic Fink)也赞同皮蒂的观点。“我们对这一制度以及世界反兴奋剂机构是否尽职尽责表示怀疑。”芬克说。“我们知道国际检测机构一直在对每个人进行检测。他们在这里进行了大量检测,这是件好事。但是,当许多反兴奋剂机构问道:“嘿,这里的过程是怎样的,它是如何运作的?”这会引发人们的疑虑。因此,我们只是希望更加清晰和透明。这并不是针对参加比赛的运动员。这是对制度的质疑。希望能得到解决,因为似乎关注和质疑的声音此起彼伏。” echo echo /ˈek.əʊ/ 作动词,1)表示“重复,附和;使产生似曾相识的感觉”,英文解释为“If you echo someone's words, you repeat them or express agreement with their attitude or opinion.”举个🌰:Their views often echo each other. 他们的见解常常彼此附和。 2)表示“回响;发出回声;响起回声”,英文解释为“If a sound echoes or a place echoes with a sound, you hear the sound again because you are in a large, empty space.”举个🌰:The sound of footsteps echoed around the hall. 脚步声在大厅里回荡。 作名词,1)表示“回声,回音,回响”,英文解释为“a sound that is heard after it has been reflected off a surface such as a wall or a cliff”举个🌰:The echoes of his scream sounded in the cave for several seconds. 他的尖叫声在洞中回荡了好几秒钟。 2)表示“十分相似的东西;如出一辙的事物;仿效”,英文解释为“a detail that is similar to and makes you remember something else”举个🌰:There are echoes of Mozart in her first piano compositions. 她最早创作的钢琴曲有些地方模仿了莫扎特。 bunch bunch /bʌntʃ/ 1)表示“串;束;扎”,英文解释为“a number of things of the same type fastened together or in a close group”如:a bunch of flowers/grapes/bananas/keys 一束花/一串葡萄/一串香蕉/一串钥匙。 2)a bunch (of sth)表示“大量;大批”,英文解释为“a large amount of sth; a large number of things or people”举个🌰:I have a whole bunch of stuff to do this morning. 我今天上午有一大堆活儿。 red flag red flag /ˌred ˈflæɡ/ 表示“(用作危险信号的)示警红旗;表示某事物出了问题的标志或信号”,英文解释为“a flag used as a sign of danger or to tell someone in a race to stop”举个🌰:You're not allowed to swim when the red flag is flying. 示警红旗升起的时候不允许游泳。 clarity clarity /ˈklær.ə.ti/ 作名词,1)表示“清楚明了;清晰易懂”,英文解释为“the quality of being clear and easy to understand”举个🌰:There has been a call for greater clarity in this area of the law. 人们呼吁该法规的这个方面应该更加明确一些。 2)表示“(思路)清晰,清楚”,英文解释为“the ability to think clearly and not be confused”举个🌰:He has shown great clarity of mind. 可以看出他的思维极其清晰。 transparency transparency /trænˈspær.ə 1)表示“透明性,透明”,英文解释为“the characteristic of being easy to see through”举个🌰:The old-fashioned type of plastic lacked transparency. 老式塑料透明性不好。 2)表示“透明度;显而易见;一目了然”,英文解释为“the quality of being done in an open way without secrets” iron sth out iron /aɪən/ sth out 表示“消除;解决”,英文解释为“to remove problems or find solutions”举个🌰:We're still trying to iron out some problems with the computer system. 我们仍在试图解决计算机系统中的一些问题。 It was the first time the USA's men had been beaten in the Olympic 4×100m medley relay final and the Chinese team of Xu Jiayu, Qin, Sun, and Pan Zhanle spoke afterwards about how badly they had wanted to break the USstrangleholdon the event. 这是美国男子接力队首次在奥运会4×100米混合泳接力决赛中落败,由徐嘉余、覃海洋、孙佳俊、潘展乐组成的中国接力队在赛后谈到他们多么希望打破美国在这个项目上的垄断。 stranglehold stranglehold /ˈstræŋ.ɡəl.həʊld/ 表示“压制,钳制;束缚”,英文解释为“a position of complete control that prevents something from developing”举个🌰:The two major companies have been tightening their stranglehold on the beer market. 两大公司开始加强钳制啤酒市场。 🎬电影《刺杀据点》(Vantage Point)中的台词提到:put a stranglehold on international terrorism. 终结国际恐怖主义。 They were led home by Pan, who turned in ablisteringlyquick final split of 45.92sec. 在潘展乐的带领下,他们最终以45秒92的惊人速度完成了比赛。 blisteringly blisteringly /ˈblɪs.tər.ɪŋ.li/ 表示“极度地;极快地;猛烈地;愤怒地”,英文解释为“If something is blisteringly fast, it is very fast. If something is blisteringly hot or cold, it is very hot or cold.” Peaty, who has only just recovered from Covid, denied that his comments were motivated by being beaten into fourth. “It's not about the podium,” he said. “We did our best job as a team, it may have beenbronze, who knows,shoulda woulda coulda, who knows? But I'm glad I was able to come out of my illness this week and give my best and be fair. I don't need anything else to do that, just my heart, that's what sport is. And for me, being a man of faith, we can't take any of this with us, but we can take our pride and we can take the memories we share with our families, knowing we did it true.” 刚刚从新冠中康复的皮蒂否认是因为被对手击败屈居第四而发表此番言论。“这与领奖台无关,”他说。“我们尽了最大的努力作为一个团队,可能是铜牌,谁知道呢?应该会,可能会,也许会,谁知道呢?但我很高兴本周我能够从病痛中恢复过来,全力以赴,公平竞争。我不需要其他任何东西,我只需要一颗真心,这就是体育的本质。对我来说,作为一个有信仰的人,我们带不走任何奖牌,但我们可以带走我们的骄傲,我们可以带走与家人分享的回忆,因为我们是真心付出的。” bronze bronze /brɒnz/ 表示“铜牌”,英文解释为“a small, round piece of bronze given to a person who finishes third in a competition”举个🌰:He got a bronze in the high jump. 他跳高得了铜牌。 shoulda woulda coulda shoulda woulda coulda是一个口语表达,常用来表示对过去事件的假设和后悔。这三个词是should have、would have和could have的缩略形式,表示人们在回顾过去时会思考他们“本应该”、“会”、“能够”做的事情,但实际并没有做到。 这个表达通常用来表示对过去无法改变的事情的一种自我反省或感叹,带有一种无奈和后悔的情绪。 - 词汇盘点 - relay、 medley、 quote、 contaminate、 honourable、 air quotes、 obfuscation、 aquatic、 doping、 fraud、 paint … with one brush、 quartet、 echo、 bunch、 red flag、 clarity、 transparency、 iron sth out、 stranglehold、 blisteringly、 bronze、 shoulda woulda coulda - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT - At the aquatic relay, the quartet's blisteringly fast swim earned bronze but sparked controversy. Quotes about "doping" and "fraud" contaminated their honourable achievement. Echoes of obfuscation, air quotes about transparency, and red flags for clarity ironed out any doubt of a stranglehold on fairness. - 推荐阅读 - 写在九周年的话 为了这个合集,准备了43个月 「LearnAndRecord」2023年度盘点 有人听写吗?推荐练听力小程序 「合集」2024政府工作报告笔记 - END - LearnAndRecord 2015年2月8日 2024年8月5日 第3467天 每天持续行动学外语